Как установить APK Google Camera на Xiaomi Redmi Note 10?
Вы получите формат .apk пакет после загрузки Gcam на вашем смартфоне Xiaomi Redmi Note 10. Обычно процесс установки происходит за кулисами, если вы установили какое-либо приложение из PlayStore.
Однако совсем другое дело — установить приложение вручную. Итак, вот основные шаги, чтобы начать работу с этим apk-файлом.
Если вы хотите просмотреть пошаговое видеоруководство по установке GCam на Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 тогда смотреть это видео.
- Перейдите к приложению «Диспетчер файлов» и откройте его.
- Перейдите в папку загрузок.
- Нажмите на Gcam apk и нажмите «Установить».
- Если потребуется, дайте необходимые разрешения для установки apk.
- Дождитесь завершения процедуры.
- Наконец, откройте приложение, чтобы насладиться невероятными функциями камеры.
Слава! Вы завершили процесс, и пришло время принести эти невероятные льготы на стол.
Примечание: В некоторых случаях вы можете столкнуться с сообщением об ошибке при установке этого приложения камеры Google на свой телефон Xiaomi Redmi Note 10, и оно принудительно перестанет работать. В этом случае мы рекомендуем проверить последующие шаги.
Если вы завершили процесс установки, но не можете открыть приложение, вы можете следовать этим инструкциям.
- Перейдите в Настройки приложение
- Перейти на Приложение и посмотреть все приложения.
- Найдите приложение Google Camera и откройте его.
- Нажмите на Хранилище и кэш → Очистить хранилище и Очистить кэш.
Если это не сработает, то причиной сбоя установки может быть следующее:
- У вас уже установлено приложение камеры Google на телефоне, удалите его перед установкой новой версии.
- Проверьте Поддержка Camera2API на вашей модели смартфона Xiaomi Redmi Note 10.
- Смартфон Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 не имеет более старого или последнего обновления Android.
- Из-за более старого чипсета приложение не совместимо с телефоном Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 (что маловероятно).
- Некоторые приложения требуют импорта файлов конфигурации XML.
Вы также можете проверить GCam Советы по устранению неполадок руководства.
GCam vs. Stock Camera
Is GCam better than the camera that comes with Xiaomi Redmi Note 10? This is a good question, and the answer is a definite ‘Yes’! Google Camera does a great job overall, especially in exposure, clarity, sharpness, and creating a blurred background effect.
The most notable feature is the Night Mode, which is magical and works even in the darkest conditions. This is because of Google’s software, which enhances the available light.
This is what makes their cameras different from each other, even if they have similar camera hardware.
However, none of these companies can beat Google’s software algorithm, which is the best. The unfortunate thing is that you can’t install GCam directly from the Google Play store on Xiaomi Redmi Note 10, except those running on stock Android.
Установка Google Camera на Mi A1, Mi A2, Mi A3 без ROOT-прав
Давайте теперь разберемся, какими способами возможно установить Google Camera HDR на смартфоны Xiaomi. На самом деле, многим пользователям известен метод только с использованием root-прав, но, оказывается, можно обойтись и без режима «Суперпользователя», но только для модельного ряда Mi A (то есть чистого Андроида).
Для этого необходимо установить на телефон специальную утилиту, которая автоматически разблокирует бутлоадер, после временно выставит TWRP-рекавери и в конце операции заблокирует загрузчик. Благодаря этим действиям Google Camera установится в два клика. Начинаем:
- Переходим в «Настройки», отключаем блокировку экрана;
- Теперь активируем «Режим разработчика», кликнув несколько раз по номеру сборки устройства.
- Как только он включается – передвигаем ползунок в сторону «ВКЛ» напротив заводской разблокировки.
- Далее подключаем смартфон к компьютеру с помощью USB-кабеля и устанавливаем необходимые драйвера.
- Скачиваем сам zip-архив с Гугл Камерой, перейдя по этой ссылке: goo.gl/JkBsC3
- Устанавливаем программу, пока телефон находится в режиме ADB.
How to Use Google Camera on Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro (China)
The final step is to use the Google Camera on Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro (China) smartphone, as we successfully completed the downloading and installation procedure. Similarly, this would also be the handiest technique and you’d find its simplicity of the same level as your device’s official camera.
- These steps would only work if you’ve well-installed GCam APK on your device. If there are any crashes or errors, you can redirect to the above-mentioned note.
- If everything is fine and you can glimpse a viewfinder (rectangular camera component that you see while touching an empty surface on camera view) on GCam APK, go ahead with the below things.
- Now, open the App settings by clicking the above middle-positioned Settings icon. Later, click the More Settings tab to open all the official important settings of Google Camera.
- Tap the three-dotted Advanced button, which would soon drop you to a page listed with all the camera modes. Enable all the important ones, like HDR+ Control, Night Sight, Portrait, Panorama, and 3D Picture.
- Night Sight and Astrophotography: To enable it, open the app and navigate to Settings → Advanced options, here you can enable both modes.
Related Articles —
Google Camera is obviously a featured android stock camera app, as people won’t like anything without unique and many privileges. Being a stock android camera, it offers you features of the modest camera apps, where you can take the configurations of different developers and install them suddenly to your phone.
There is more to know among the features, so let’s get ahead and cover them all –
Pro Res Zoom
Standing for the resolution of the pictures you get in your phone’s camera while zooming it and capturing, Google worked so long on this technology. We actually think that our phone’s camera can’t see far enough, but it can also be the incapability of our phone’s camera software, stopping it to capturing pro resolution images while zooming. GCam offers you Pro Res Zoom feature, which, once being enabled, offers you the capability to capture up to 6x photos with full focus.
Instant Share
Instant Share technology works with the proper mixture of Google Photos app with the Google Camera. You’ll feel gradually attracted to the app, as whenever you’re going to open the photos directly from the side button of the camera shutter, it’ll land you in Google Photos. It means that your photos are being saved on cloud (if you have enabled) and it’s easy to share them with a click. There would be a share button, and you’ll get all social media options after clicking on it.
Google Playground
Playground is for the play, and we didn’t have any animation things or virtual reality options on any stock or third-party camera app before. But Google has been working with this feature for so long. First of all, the Pixel phones accessed AR Stickers mode long before Pixel 3 launched for the first time. Nowadays, we call it Google Playground, a camera space with many attachable AR stickers to mix augmented reality with the picture reality.
Easy to switch Configs
There are tremendous android users who’re the best photographers and use Google Pixel smartphones for capturing pictures. You must have seen the immense camera configuration files they’re providing on their social media so that you can also capture all such pictures super easily. Yeah, you can install and switch the configurations by simply downloading it. We’ll have a detailed conversation about this after the features, so enjoy with the article.
Auto Focus mode
Are you still touching those spaces on your phone’s camera for focusing on a part of the photo being captured by stock cameras? Meet the Auto Focus mode that automatically focuses on each proper space to make the Portraits and even basic Photos look ultimately focused to a spot. It locks the focus somewhere so that you don’t need to click all the times on a space for keeping the background blur or unfocused. Try it now!
Motion Photo
Motion Photo is one of the advanced technologies of futuristic cameras. Even the GoPro has a feature to capture the motion photos by enabling a few feature options on there. First, if you are new to it, it’s basically designed to create a picture of you in motion so that you will not have regret for having the best picture with eyes closed or blemishes. The picture you’ll have would be in the motion for up to 1 second to choose the best part and keep it.
Video Stability
It’s so hard to provide any stability to our android smartphone’s camera setups as most of us do the rash photography, as per the requirement of the moment. We move and shake the camera in between recording the best videos, and that’s where things go south. Uploading such a video on social media doesn’t sound right to us, and then we start finding third-party apps which can stabilize it. GCam APK personally provides this feature, and you can unlock it by downloading the app below.
Photo Sphere
Photo Sphere is for capturing the whole universe until where you can see in a camera. If you know Panorama mode, it basically captures the entire horizontal surface on your Xiaomiphone’s camera, but there is Camera for vertical, right? Photo Sphere works on all sides and after being a little stable with the camera, you can take pictures of what’s east, west, north, or south of you. This makes an image like a sphere ball that you can move with your fingers to see what’s there.
Is it safe to install GCam Port on Xiaomi Redmi Note 10?
GCam Ports are safe to install on any android smartphone, but only if you’re downloading them from a trusted source and a respected version. We provide you all the three most trusted ports of Google Camera For Xiaomi Redmi Note 10, and they are all taken from the developer sources directly. So, you can trust us for your phone being outstandingly safe after installing a port from here.
The GCam Port is crashing on Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 phone.
Crashing mostly happens if you’ve installed a non-compatible GCam Port on Xiaomi Redmi Note 10. You can try any of the 3 compatible versions by downloading them from our website and installing manually.
Is it worth it to use Config XML files with Google Camera?
There is no word for the config files, so worth is still a small word in front of the rule. Suppose a simple step to be followed and all the best settings of the camera would get managed directly on your phone’s GCam. That’s how we can try many ways of making pictures and finally make our own unique style with the best photos.
Why Google Camera isn’t available on Google Play Store?
Google Camera is one of the restricted applications only for the Google Pixel Smartphones and except for those users, no one can download it from Play Store. you can get a Google Camera port compatible with your smartphone right here. Download latest version of GCam today from our website and use it on any of your non-Pixel phones.
How to Use GCam App on Xiaomi Redmi Note 10?
Friends, until now, we have discussed What is Google Camera? and How to Download Google Camera For the Xiaomi Redmi Note 10? in detail.
Now, in our next section, we will take a step further and explain to you how to use Google Camera On Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 to its full potential. We will start by exploring the various features of the camera, such as the settings, modes, and more.
Additionally, we will provide tips and tricks to help you capture the perfect shot. With our detailed guide, you will be able to get the most out of your Google Camera experience!
- Open your phone’s camera.
- Click on the main icon.
- Click on the lens blur.
- Take a picture of the object you want and move your phone slightly closer for a better-quality picture.
- If you want to take a 360-degree photo, click on the Photo Sphere option.
- You can also adjust the camera settings in the settings menu.
The Google Camera app is a powerful tool that can help you take better photos on your Android phone. It’s packed with features that can help you improve your shots, and it’s constantly being updated with new ones.
Benefits of Using the GCAM:
Improved image quality: The GCam app can help you take better photos by improving the image quality. It does this by using advanced algorithms to process the images, which results in sharper and more detailed photos.
Night Sight mode: Night Sight is a mode that’s designed for taking pictures in low-light conditions. It uses multiple frames to brighten up the photo and reduce noise. This results in better-looking night shots.
HDR+ Enhanced: HDR+ Enhanced is an improved version of HDR+ mode from the Google Camera app. It takes several pictures and joins them together to make one excellent shot. This makes the photo better in terms of dynamic range and less noisy.
Portrait Mode: Portrait Mode is a great way to take photos of people or objects with a shallow depth of field (the area in front of or behind the subject that appears blurry).
The GCam app uses artificial intelligence to identify faces and then blurs the background for a professional-looking shot.
Disadvantage of GCAM
Although the Google Camera app is a powerful tool, it does have some drawbacks. The most significant is that it requires a lot of storage space. The app itself is quite large and the photos and videos it takes are usually quite large as well.
Additionally, some of the features such as Night Sight mode and HDR+ Enhanced require a lot of processing power, which can drain your battery quickly. Finally, GCam can be a bit finicky to set up and get working properly – so if you’re not tech-savvy, you might find it frustrating to use.
Пользовательский интерфейс и операционная система
Смартфон Redmi 10 работает на базе операционной системы Android 11 с предустановленной пользовательской оболочкой MIUI 12.5. Внешне интерфейс представляет собой некий гибрид Samsung UI и iOS. При этом многое можно настроить. Часть пользователей будет рада таким возможностям, а часть — нет. В аппарате нет отдельного меню с приложениями. Все программы располагаются на рабочих столах, либо в тематических папках на рабочих столах.
В настройках можете защитить рабочий стол от изменений, функция может быть полезна, если есть риск ненароком сдвинуть иконку не туда, а потом не найти её. Есть настройки автоматического заполнения пустых ячеек и деактивация этой возможности. Ещё MIUI умеет изменять эффекты листания рабочих столов.
На самом левом экране находится аналог ленты Google Now с быстрым доступом к отдельным настройкам и информации.
Список последних приложений показывается в виде прямоугольных карточек, горизонтальный свайп позволяет быстро закрыть программу, а долгое нажатие на иконку открывает три пункта: блокировку приложения в памяти, настройку его разрешений и использование его в режиме двух экранов.
Регулировка громкости отображается аккуратными вертикальными переключателями. Если вы нажмёте на три точки под ними, то раскроется более подробное меню.
В MIUI довольно функциональный браузер, в нём есть панель с быстрым доступом к закладкам, поддерживается режим чтения, есть ночная тема и полноэкранный режим. Главный минус приложения — перегруженность всякими новостями и рекламой, да и режим чтения работает довольно криво. Помимо стандартного браузера пользователи Redmi 10 могут воспользоваться альтернативными: Google Chrome, Opera, Яндекс.
Доступ к файлам, которые хранятся в памяти телефона, можно получить при помощи встроенного проводника MIUI. Помимо удобной сортировки по типу файлов, он также умеет легко открывать ZIP-архивы и выступать в роли FTP-сервера, чтобы вы могли получить быстрый доступ к своим файлам.
Аудиоплеер поддерживает файлы MP3, AAC, а также Lossless-кодеки FLAC и APE. Он также умеет воспроизводить музыку с CUE-плейлистов. Видеоплеер справляется с большинством кодеков и контейнеров, в том числе и MKV. Поддерживается воспроизведение с субтитрами и смена аудиодорожки, если дорожек несколько.
Галерея поделена на два больших раздела. В левом находятся все снимки, они расположены в хронологическом порядке. А в правом есть сортировка по типу изображений: скриншоты, фотографии, видеоролики, селфи. Кроме того, здесь можно открыть снимки, отсортированные по лицам и геометкам. Правда, приложение для этого просит включить синхронизацию Mi Cloud. Прямо из Галереи снимки можно редактировать. Помимо простого кадрирования или исправления баланса белого, вы также можете добавить на снимок стикер или текст, замазать часть информации или просто что-то дописать или дорисовать пальцем.
MIUI делает полные бэкапы системы и затем восстановить копию на другом смартфоне Xiaomi. При этом сохраняются не только приложения, но даже их местоположение и настройки.
Также стоит заметить, что Xiaomi достаточно активно оснащает свои приложения встроенной рекламой. Так, она отображается в браузере, файловом менеджере и аналоге ленты Google Now с новостями. Многих пользователей это неприятно раздражает. Так что стоит учитывать такой момент. Кроме того, это способствует ускоренному разряду аккумулятора и загрузки процессора.
What is LMC 8.4 APK or LMC8.4 GCam?
Many of you may be aware of Google Camera or it may be that only a few people know about it.
Google Camera was launched in 2014 as the stock camera for Google Nexus phones. It came with ahead-of-its-time features like HDR+, Night Sight Mode, Portrait, etc. along with several flawless modes.
Significantly, photography lovers are dominated by Google’s Nexus and Pixel phones, which continues even today. The number of smartphone manufacturers has increased over the years but except for phones with flagship features, none have a phone with Google camera quality.
Although some enthusiastic software developers have made the Google Camera compatible with Android devices, known as GCam ports, finding an ideal GCam port is quite difficult.
If you get the perfect one then you are able to enhance the color, contrast, and saturation of photos through advanced AI algorithms. There are continuous complaints about the crash of the second Gaqam port.
On the other hand, due to frequent complaints of crashes and compatibility issues with GCam port, the developer developed another version of Google Camera named LMC 8.4 which can be easily downloaded on any Android phone and has all the same features.
This is the basic Google Camera but after loading the LMC configuration file you get full control over the camera which gives you the best quality clear and detailed picture.
Google Camera Features [GCam Features]
There were four primary features you will get after installing GCam on your Redmi Note 10, which includes HDR10+, NightSight, Portrait Mode and Astrophotography mode. Let’s discuss all the primary features so you can use those on your Redmi Note 10.
HDR stands for High-Dynamic-Range features an imagining technique during photographic films and images. Not to mention, the ray-traced computer-generated imagining helps to reproduce the greater range of luminosity with all the standard digital imagining or photographic techniques. Here Google Camera on your Redmi Note 10 enhanced the HDR+ techniques so you will not struggle with a limited dataset. GCam makes it easier for your Redmi Note 10 to brining lesser motion-blue and reduce noise from your images resulting better image quality. -
If your smartphone can capture good images during the night it considers to be one of the best hence GCam also helps during low-light condition allow capturing the best image. Likely, Google used to capture multiple pictures at different setting and adjust accordingly, and on top of it, it applies HDR+. All this algorithm helps your Redmi Note 10 to utilise it camera sensor power with GCam gives you a better image. -
Blurring the background is one of the most important featuring considering even now smartphone themself using the secondary lens to show the depth of field in the picture and the object. GCam on your Redmi Note 10 takes the image using HDR+ techniques and then render the image with the Google Camera algorithm gives a perfect portrait. GCam uses the Dual Pixel technology with there cutting edge software the measure the distance between the background and object helps to produce a perfect bokeh effect. -
Astrophotography Mode
It was quite identical to the NightSight, where it takes the picture in low-light condition. Where it allows you to capture even in the pitch black and it specially designed for the night-shots or for sky helps to click Astrophotography with crips, less-noise even in darkest condition. Whereas, it was also inspired by other Smartphone Manufucature to include this feature.
Why GCam App Keeps Shutting Down?
Are you facing the frustrating issue of the GCam app shutting down whenever you try to open it on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 10?
Don’t worry; we have some solutions to help you resolve this problem and get your camera app running smoothly.
# Solution1: Reboot Your phone
Sometimes, a simple restart can fix app-related issues. Restart your smartphone and then try opening the GCam app.
# Solution 2: Check Compatibility
First, ensure that your downloaded GCam version is compatible with your smartphone model. There are various GCam versions available. Verify that you have the right one for your device.
# Solution 3: Clear App Cache and Data
Sometimes, app data or cache can become corrupted, causing the app to crash. To fix this, follow these steps:
- Go to your device’s settings.
- Find “Apps” or “Applications” and tap on it.
- Locate the GCam app and tap on it.
- Select “Storage.”
- Tap “Clear Cache” and “Clear Data.”
After clearing the cache and data, try opening the GCam app again.
Check out my guide on Fixing Common Problems of Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 for more possible solutions.
How to Download and install Google Camera on Redmi Note 10 [ GCAM for Redmi Note 10]
Before going ahead, uninstall the previous version of GCCam if you have any installed on your device to avoid error during installation. It was quite easy to download GCam for your device, follow the following instruction to download and install Google Camera on your smartphone so far.
- First, download the APK from the given Download Button down below.
(It will redirect you to download page, It was safe and faster. Click on download to Start downloading directly.) - Then, Simply enable the unknown app install and then install the application just like any third-party application.
- After that allow with all it is the permission it requires.
- Now, Simply open the Google Camera and start using the extra-ordinary photos.
Urnyx05: PXv8.1_GCam-v1.1.apk (by cstark27, johngalt1, Urnyx05) | |
BSG: MGC_8.1.101_A9_V0a |
Шаг 3: Установка gcam
После того как вы разрешили установку приложений из неизвестных источников, можно перейти к установке gcam на Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro. Вот пошаговая инструкция:
- Скачайте последнюю версию gcam для Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro с официального сайта.
- После завершения загрузки, найдите установочный файл и нажмите на него.
- Приложение начнет устанавливаться на ваше устройство. Дождитесь окончания процесса.
- После установки откройте приложение gcam на вашем смартфоне.
- Настройте приложение по своему усмотрению, чтобы получить лучшие результаты фотографий.
- Теперь вы можете использовать gcam на Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro для получения качественных фотографий.
Не забудьте проверить, работает ли приложение правильно и все ли его функции доступны. Если возникают проблемы, попробуйте переустановить приложение или найти более стабильную версию gcam.
About Google Camera (GCam APK)
Simplifying the overall photography of an Android user is the only meaning of Google Camera or GCam APK! It’s software designed only to inform the camera freaks that the hardware camera lens isn’t the only thing that intensifies your overall photography, but the software is also an integral part of capturing images.
It’s an official Camera app for the Google Nexus and Pixel smartphones developed 8 years ago in 2014 by Google developers.
It offered Nexus phones the most fascinating camera modes, such as Portrait photography, HDR+ Enhanced photography, Night Sight camera, and the Panorama effect to take mobile shooting to a professional level.
Now, GCam APK or GCam Mod is the alteration of the actual Google Pixel’s Google Camera software designed for all non-Google Android smartphones.
You can’t find a Google Camera for Xiaomi Device on the Google Play Store, and even if they’re there, you’d find them incompatible with your device. But don’t worry, as Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 phone is compatible with GCam 9.2 APK that you can grab by clicking the below link.
Also read:
What is Google Camera?
Google Camera aka GCAM, is the most popular app on Pixel phones known for its best photography qualities and allows users to capture stunning shots on their phone. GCAM takes some really good shots because of its better image processing. When you capture any picture on GCAM, it processes it in a way that the output result comes very close to natural whether it’s human or any nature photography.
GCAM is also known for its best portrait and low-light photography performance. There are a lot of features available in GCAM for Pixel phones. Google Camera is basically developed by Google, especially for Pixel phones but you can install it on any Android phone, and here’s how to do it.
There are a few things that you should note before proceeding.
- Starting with your device must enable with Camera 2 API, and your device should be running on Android 7.0. Not to mention, you can check compatibility using Camera 2 API Probe APP if it shows “LIMITED”, “FULL” or “LEVEL 3” then you have Camera 2 API Enabled. However, if it shows the “LEGACY”, then you need to give it root access and then enable the Camera 2 API on your device.
- If GCam is not working on Redmi Note 10, then you simply need to use XML configuration file on your device.
- There are different version of Google Camera available for the specific device, so you require to download the correct APK hence there was a different version of GCam available for Redmi Note 10.
How to Load Configs in LMC8.4 R18 version?
Here are the simple steps by which you can load your best settings via configs on the LMC8.4 R18 version.
- Download Configs from the links given above and save them on your phone.
- Go to file manager and create a new folder named “LMC8.4” and move your downloaded config file inside this folder.
- Open the LMC8.4 R18 app on your device and allow all the required permissions.
- Now double tap around the shutter button to activate a new pop-up window.
- Select the downloaded Config file and click on the import button to load those configs.
Also, remember that if you want to install multiple GCAM versions, make sure to uninstall the current installed LMC8.4 R18 first. Only then you will be able to install the next GCAM app on your Redmi Note 10 Pro phone.
If you have any queries, you can drop the comments in the comment box. Also, share this post with your friends.